Tag Archives: Rhetorical Analysis

Weekly Write

We just heard an interview from Nevada (the location of the final debate), where the interviewer talked to two neighbors (one supported Trump and one supported Clinton). The Trump supporter built up her ethos by mentioning that she is a teacher who worries about educational resources who also lived in Mexico for some time. She also does a good job when it comes to “concession and refutation” when she says “I know he’s not my dream date”. This class has taught me how to work on assignments more than the day before they are due. This has improved my quality of work greatly. It has also taught me during argumentation that it is important to acknowledge the opposing view points.

Unit 2 Reflection

Unit 2 focused on understanding and applying rhetorical analysis. There are many many forms of rhetorical analysis devices and seem to occur very often in many columns for the New York Times. At first, recognizing and analyzing these devices seemed to be an impossible task. However, after several assignments, one night it seemed to click for me. One assignment had us read five separate articles in the New York Times, and at first the task seemed hard. But after about three articles, it seemed to become more like second nature to me. This may have been because the third, fourth, and fifth articles had more examples of rhetorical analysis than the first two, but it also had to do with the experience I acquired. The more I seemed to practice, the better I got and this seemed to help me the most in writing my paper because finding examples took no time at all.