Category Archives: Other Writing

My America

When I think of America, a lot of things come to mind. Two of the first thoughts that came to my mind are the stereotype that all Americans eat junk food on a daily basis, being the most overweight country, and the fact that America is traditionally an industrious country that has corporations that expand across the globe.

Every country in the world seems to hold the common belief that all Americans are greedy. This picture shows that on several levels. A bank is a commonly understood symbol for money and wealth. The green theme of the bank compliments this fact nicely and is one of thousands of banks across the nation, which shows exactly how important money is to the average American.

When I think of America, one of the first aspects of this culture that comes to mind is corporate America. This is the driving force of the economy and consumes the daily life of millions of cubicle-occupying Americans. This picture shows a tall office structure (of yet another bank), but also the construction of another building next to it. This shows the continuous expansion of corporate America.

This picture of a nice home exemplifies the land of opportunities. The American dream is one that give millions hope in this country. This dream is made possible by the opportunities given by this country. The opportunity here is the fact that every single person has the chance to start with nothing and, with hard work and determination, can earn millions.

The mall is a common image used to show the consumer society that controls our community. Driven by greed, this consumer society is shown by the millions of malls and stores throughout the entire country. Every person wants the newest version of whatever technology is available, and the mall properly demonstrates this.

Church is an organization that is all across the world, not just America. However, America is one of the only countries to be founded after the formation of Christianity. The money has the words “In God We Trust” inscribed on it. The Pledge of Allegiance uses the words “One nation under God”. The culture of the church and Christianity can be seen in many aspects of American lifestyle.