Daily Write 5-1-17

I have always been a math guy. Since I was a boy I’ve been a “right-brainer”. Math and science came easy to me while art and imagination were difficult. When I got to Ole Miss I didn’t hesitate to become an Econ major. The formulas and numbers are like common sense to me and are even somewhat interesting. I chose to do my research this semester on the collection of data, and specifically the effects it has (or will have) on the economy. I hope that my future career will pertain to economics because I really enjoyed learning about this topic. I have begun to notice that I am more and more intrigued in finances and banking. This research has shown me the broad range of topics that I can pursue a career in. While doing research for this class, I actually became side-tracked one day and found myself on the list of majors offered by the business school. This really opened my eyes instead of having me stick to a set path.

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