Unit 2 Reflection

When beginning my research on the collection of data, I did not think that it would be very difficult. However, as I began to research the topic, I realized that I would not be as easy as I had originally thought. I may have waited too long to start my research, and therefore the rest of my writing process may have been rushed. I have always had an issue with procrastination and underestimating the work load of the assignment, but when the project involves research as in-depth as this was, the procrastination can become very costly.

I learned that my rushed writing can be sloppy and unorganized compared to when I allot myself sufficient time. This is very important because down the road I will need to write papers involving more research than this, and if I do not have the will power to begin research far ahead of the due date, my paper will surely suffer. I am used to getting A’s, especially in English and writing classes, and if my grade suffers due to procrastination I will be very disappointed.

It is very important for me to learn to not procrastinate. Not only for academics, but in my life in general. Almost without exception an individual will do better on a task when he or she gives himself or herself more time. I will work on my will power and begin all my work on time in order to give myself enough time to complete the writing process thoroughly instead of writing an entire piece in one sitting.

Daily Write 3-20-17

When doing research on data-collection, I learned several interesting things. The main source of complaints about data-collection is the lack of privacy of the general public. Going into this topic, that was the only point of view I considered; however, after viewing several of my sources I realized that there is actually many useful reasons as to why a large company would want to know the opinions of the public. Sure it makes them money, but it does so by providing people with a more practical product aimed at improving the general quality of life.

Daily Write 3-6-17

I was very unclear on how to write an annotated bibliography before this class, but the example shown on the board before the gallery walk gave me a good understanding on what I was supposed to write. Then the gallery walk also helped me see what others wrote, and most importantly the feedback I received on my very rough draft will help as I develop it further.