Connect 10: Timberlake’s Concert

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The most memorable introduction that has stuck with me was with my celebrity crush, Justin Timberlake. My junior year in high school he went on his 20/20 tour with songs from his new album. My friends knew of my love for him so when they surprised me with tickets I couldn’t wait. Now, I don’t know if this introduction was so memorable just because I was looking at the love of my life since I was a little girl listening to NSYNC, or if the introduction was really memorable by the elements in which it started. A part from me looking at my lifetime crush, the there was a huge replica of the machine you use during a Retinoscopy at the eye doctor. I remember initially thinking how strange it was to have medical equipment as a part of a concert, but I was just going to roll with it. Once I realized that his tour was about 20/20 vision of the future, everything because into focus (lol,what a pun?!). As the intro music started, I saw this elevator rising and there were letters spelling out his name through the eye machine. As soon as the beginning note of his song “Pusher Love Girl”, the elevator curtains dropped and there he stood. After talking about the purpose of an introduction in class, I realized that the elements to this opening concert were so complex. I think that each of his introduction played a part in getting people to look at the stage, hold their attention and promote his new album. In conclusion, I think that just like how the concert opened in such a complex yet simple manner, I should include things that subtly express the complexity and have that final, “wow” moment with my thesis.

Weekly Artifact: History or Theology

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This week I have been reading a short story for my History class. The book was about an African American family that lived in a black community in the new west during the late 1800s. The father was a preacher in this small town and put into focus the family and societal struggles this family faced because of this occupation. Although I do not always agree with some of the points that are highlighted in the book, I found it to be very interesting. With this being said, any time I came across something I did not agree with, I would look up bible verses in efforts to prove these statements and accusations wrong. When looking back on this, I saw how I was able to relate my personal beliefs and scripture in the Bible to this historical fiction short story. I was surprised as to how much I was able and motivated to relate and draw these connections through out this book. I usually just read the book because I had to, but this time I wanted and easily made these connections. Not only did this help me understand the book, but it helped with my knowledge and understanding of the scripture.

Prejudice Class Exercise

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Why are people prejudice? When I asked my family this question they responded with “People were raised and surrounded by a culture that forms their thoughts, beliefs and morals”.


Who is prejudice? I find people in politics to be very prejudice. They try to side with the most popular and accepted positions, thus including elements of the socialization factor the author describes. I think this really highlights the author’s points about how it starts at a cognitive level, then turns into emotional level where it is plastered all over the news and media. Eventually, whether small or large, it turns into an action once given the position. Which leads to the idea that they use the issue of prejudice to justify their reasoning for their belonging in an authoritative position. I think that they also become prejudice because of the economic competition the US encounters. Overall, all of this would lead to America adapting a social norm based off the prejudice of people in politics.

Annotated Bibliography with Cause and Effect Argument Proposal Reflection

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I was extremely intrigued, fascinated and awakened by this particular research project. In fact, I think that the research for this project has changed my perception of my choice of major the most out of my time here at Ole Miss. I have always known that there were obstacles and challenges that special education students and teachers endure daily. This is part of the reason I chose the field. I want to be the voice and representation for those students who may not have a voice or a family that cares. With this being said, after researching, I realized that I have a much bigger battle than I originally had thought. What really surprised and changed my point of view was the amount of people that are constantly influenced, yet all in different and sometimes unequal ways. From the very beginning of my research, the article in Re-reading America, I knew that the education system was more flawed than I had assumed. The author’s personal experiences and connections to other statistics really allowed me to have a better understanding of the issues that are in need of improvement. In addition to this wider understanding, I think I have learned a lot about how the special education department works within the United States. More particularly, I have learned how the finances are divided, processed and handled for special education programs and resources. If you would have asked me at the beginning of the project if I would be interested in looking at the financial aspect of the educational system, I would have laughed in your face. I have never, until this point, had much of a care about the finances of the school districts. I now have learned that these components of money are extremely important to understanding why the systems and programs are the way they are. I think that this knew connection between financial relationships and the quality of education has impacted the projects I have worked on in the past. Within these prior assignments, I was always quick to point the finger at the teachers and administration for not doing more for these kids. In reality, my accusations and place of blame were in the wrong direction. After completing my research, I learned that national lawmakers and school district officials are the ones to blame. Ultimately, they produce and enforce the laws and restrictions that puts teachers and administrators in a bind. In conclusion, all of this change of perspective, better understanding, and new attention to the laws comes down to a single turning point moment of my research: when I learned how special education students in my new and old hometown are being treated unequally. This particular moment made all of my research more personal and increased my passion for this field of work. With all of this noted, I think this research moment could easily be titled my favorite and most thought provoking event this semester. Overall, I loved the research and new knowledge from this assignment and can’t wait to turn all of this into a paper.

Weekly Artifact: Math Master

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This week, I was able to draw the connection between two different math classes. My friend was working on business calculus homework last night, while I was working on college algebra. I have never stepped into a calculus class in my life, but she was stuck on a problem and asked if I would try to help her. I looked at her like she was crazy, but with a little faith, trust and pixie dust I decided that I maybe able to help her. As I was looking at the example problem and how she was solving the problem, I realized that a lot of basic college algebra rules and equations were within this single math problem. While I knew that some maths were based off one another, I never realized how important it was to have a good base understanding of simple solving and rules of equations. In fact, where my friend was making her mistake was in the manner of which she was trying to simplify her equation. Luckily for her, this is the one section of college algebra that doesn’t make me want to have a mental breakdown. I will never understand why it is important for me to find an answer to something with letters and numbers, I now know that it is important to have a good basic knowledge before I attempt upper-level math.

Discussion Form: SPED Across Borders

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In today’s discussion, I wanted to hear about the different special education systems in the school systems of my classmates. Through out my research, I noticed that many schools don’t have special education systems and if they do, they were either great or not at all. I am thinking about writing my cause and effect paper about how schools are putting their money in to their physical structures and as a result they are not turning their attention to things in the school district that need the financial support.


Weekly Artifact: Study Habits

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For this week, I drew a simple connection to how I’ve grown as a test taker through out my time here at Ole Miss. I was looking back at all of my experiences, both in high school and college, and realized how much I have learned as a student. I used to have terrible test anxiety. I would get super splotch on my chest, super light headed and I would forget everything that I had studied. With midterms being this week, I realized that these occurrences don’t happen as frequently as they have in the past. The more I considered this idea, I was able to draw the connection between how I studied in high school vs college. In high school, I would study the night before and would only read through my notes. Now that I have been here at college, I rewrite my notes on flashcards or type them on the computer or go through and color code things in order to process my learning. I started recognizing that I had a better understanding of the material, therefore I was doing much better on my test here in college. Overall, I was able to connect how my test anxiety has decreased because of the manner in which I learn and study for my exams during my freshman year.