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When reflecting on this past week I was able to work and improve on many skills used to writing a analysis paper. More specifically, I learned the importance of using direct examples from the text to accompany the points of analysis. This allows the reader to not only better understand the actual text but to have a better idea of where my thoughts are coming from. It also improves the credibility of my ideas and interpretations throughout my paper. Overall, the use of the specific and direct examples has improved my writing and enriches the ideas within the paper.

Daily Write: College Reflection

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Something that I had not thought about prior to college was the amount of writing I would have to complete in my spare time. I understood that taking this class would involve a lot of outside writing, but its my other core classes that took me by surprise. For example, in my history class, I expected to be taking a bunch of tests and quizzes, but in reality I have had several major essays. I feel that this has pushed me to not only become a better writer but listener and student. It has also taught me the importance of time management and self discipline. In conclusion, the shock of the amount of writing has resulted in me learning the valuable skills to be a successful student in college.