Bridge Project


Being from the Mississippi Delta, I know the true value of farming. When I’m home, I can’t go more than five miles without seeing farm land. My family doesn’t raise crops like many Mississippians, but livestock instead. Farming has been the foundation of American living ever since the Indians passed on their knowledge to the early settlers. Many people in our country look at their dinner tables and just see food, but I see the product of another person’s hard work. I know that farming is essential to the American dream; without it, none of us would be here.


One of the biggest contributors to the American Dream is our freedom of religion. So many immigrants flock to this country because of this one particular characteristic. We are one of the few countries that isn’t supposed to judge or persecute because of your choice in religion. It’s so amazing to know that we live in a place where you can be Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, or Muslim and not have to worry about hiding our beliefs. One of the reasons that many middle eastern countries dislike us is because we are open to all religions instead of a specific one.


I hate watching the news and seeing other countries with horrific leaders with people that are helpless when it comes to deciding who holds political power. Another reason I love being an American, is that we have a voice. Some of us may not think we have a voice, or choose not to use theirs, but it’s there. If we are unhappy with something or someone, we have the ability to voice our opinion to those in charge and allow it to be heard. We also get to choose our leaders, at all levels, instead of living in a modern dictatorship.


A little over a year ago, my parents purchased this business in our small town. I can’t think of another country where two college dropouts with little to no money have the freedom and backing behind them to successfully run a business. My parents are true examples of the American Dream. They didn’t come from money. They worked their hardest their entire lives, sometimes enduring multiple jobs at a time, until their hard work finally paid off.


Our soldiers are the only reason that we have the ability to live the American Dream. One of the greats of being an American is that we get to comfortably live our lives without the worry of the chaos overseas. We hold our veterans at the highest respect. We celebrate their wins and share their pain. We wait up at night until they come home, and honor them with are greatest capacity when they don’t. We do all of this because we know that without them, our lives would not be what they are now.


Many people believe that once a soldier stops serving, that they are no longer cared for or respected like they previously were. I have come to realize that this is completely false. My grandfather hasn’t served this country in decades, but he gets more care now than he ever has. America may get a bad wrap from many, but I know how big of a heart it has. Without the VA Hospitals, my grandparents would not be able to afford healthcare, and my grandfather probably wouldn’t be alive. This picture was taken during the winter break at the VA Hospital right after their amazing doctors and nurses saved his life. I don’t know of another country that treats their veterans the way that America does.