Annotation Connect 10

Question 5. Describe how today’s course material relates to something else you are learning in another course.

I would have to say that what we are doing right now correlates with what I am doing in both my Philosophy and Political Science classes. In these classes, I spend most of my time reading material and then expressing what the author was trying to say. The annotated bibliographies are meant to get us to read an almost excessive amount of material relating to our topic so that we can hopefully write a great research paper. In Philosophy, it’s virtually impossible for me to not read the book if I want to pass the class because I’ve never seen any of the material before. This research paper remind me a lot about my philosophy class since I know absolutely nothing about the myth that I’m attempting to write about. I know that these annoyed bibliographies will allow me to learn so much more about what I’m writing about.

Annotated Bibliography Possible Myths

“Quality Time, Redefined” by Alex Williams talks about how more and more families are being consumed by technology. What really caught my eye was the tag line “One family. One Room. Four screens. Four realities, basically.” I feel like this would be great to research because this is a real problem for our generation and I think that it will only continue to worsen.

“Idiot Nation” by Michael Moore caught my eye because it forcibly talks about how our schools are churning out illiterate students that can’t even identify places in the middle east that our country is bombing. The abrupt way in which Moore speaks just in the two or three tagline sentences made me interesting in reading the rest of the paper. I also like any of the education myths because I feel like education is the topic which I know most about, and can contribute the most to.

“George Orwell…Meet Mark Zuckerberg” by Lori Andrews was an article that I considered for my synthesis, and I am still intrigued. I feel like the articles on social media hit so close to home that they will be very interesting, and eye-opening to write a report on. This specific article sticks out to me because its tagline talks about how social media is creating a “second self” of ourselves.