Annotation Connect 10

Question 5. Describe how today’s course material relates to something else you are learning in another course.

I would have to say that what we are doing right now correlates with what I am doing in both my Philosophy and Political Science classes. In these classes, I spend most of my time reading material and then expressing what the author was trying to say. The annotated bibliographies are meant to get us to read an almost excessive amount of material relating to our topic so that we can hopefully write a great research paper. In Philosophy, it’s virtually impossible for me to not read the book if I want to pass the class because I’ve never seen any of the material before. This research paper remind me a lot about my philosophy class since I know absolutely nothing about the myth that I’m attempting to write about. I know that these annoyed bibliographies will allow me to learn so much more about what I’m writing about.

Weekly Artifact

The biggest thing that I am going to take away from this week is something that had nothing to do with my classes. For the past two weeks I have been working non-stop. I have spent my hours in the library than in my own room and yet I still seemed to be getting behind in my classes. On Thursdays, I don’t have class until 4 in the afternoon and I get out on Wednesday at 12, so I decided that I was going to take a break from studying to have time to myself. I don’t think that I have done this since the first week back this semester. I know that I can’t do this every week, but I think that I needed time to let my mind rest. When I finally woke up Thursday, I felt like a new person. I think that I was more productive after the day off than I was before.

Discussion Forum Question

The question that I am asking today is “Do you think that businesses should check the personal social media account of their employees or do you think that this is an invasion of privacy?”. The article that I read didn’t lead me to any great questions because it was so straightforward. I sat in front of my computer for several minutes trying to come up with a question but nothing was happening. Part of the article talked about how social media is being used by companies when they are hiring so I decided that this could be something worth debating. Unlike last week, I don’t have a firm stand on either side of this question. Even though this question wasn’t the focus of the reading, I feel that it will help contextualize the message that the author was trying to get across.

Annotated Bibliography Possible Myths

“Quality Time, Redefined” by Alex Williams talks about how more and more families are being consumed by technology. What really caught my eye was the tag line “One family. One Room. Four screens. Four realities, basically.” I feel like this would be great to research because this is a real problem for our generation and I think that it will only continue to worsen.

“Idiot Nation” by Michael Moore caught my eye because it forcibly talks about how our schools are churning out illiterate students that can’t even identify places in the middle east that our country is bombing. The abrupt way in which Moore speaks just in the two or three tagline sentences made me interesting in reading the rest of the paper. I also like any of the education myths because I feel like education is the topic which I know most about, and can contribute the most to.

“George Orwell…Meet Mark Zuckerberg” by Lori Andrews was an article that I considered for my synthesis, and I am still intrigued. I feel like the articles on social media hit so close to home that they will be very interesting, and eye-opening to write a report on. This specific article sticks out to me because its tagline talks about how social media is creating a “second self” of ourselves.

Discussion Forum

The question that I am asking this week is: “Do you think that political correctness is hindering our first amendment rights as American citizens, including freedom of religion, press, and speech?”. I already have strong beliefs on political correctness but I want to see if there are opinions that differ from my own. I don’t want to write this synthesis paper with the belief that most people believe the way that I do; it would be pretty bad if I did that and then we discussed our opinions and no one else agreed with me. I came to this question because I’m thinking that my thesis is going to have something to do with the PC culture taking away our rights as citizens.

The Perfect School

One group had the idea of being paired with a group of no more than 10 people with different backgrounds which really intrigued me. I want to couple that with another idea of having certain times for individual, group, and instructor led learning. I think that being able to work by yourself is just as important as working with other people, especially in our changing times. I might even go as far as to say that the 10 people in each group should rotate so that students don’t get used to who they are working to and let their work slip. I also like the idea of “Challenge courses” for students who feel as if they are not being taught at a high enough level. I think that by doing this, you would separate the successful students from those that are struggling. Then, teachers wouldn’t have to slow down or confuse students. Students would also be more comfortable in a setting of other students with around the same academic capacity. I’m leaning back and forth on whether I like the idea of having course level based off of previous assessment instead of grade level or age; I can’t imagine a 12 year old in the same class as an 18 year old.

I think that Writing 102 could definitely include the individual/group/instructor learning style. By doing this, we could learn how to get things done by ourselves while also feeling comfortable with debating things amongst a small group. I think that maybe there could be an optional “challenge project” that would push us toward our maximum critical thinking levels.