Language of cause and effect paragraph

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Initial Effect
         When lawmakers sat down and decided that there was a need for legislation in the education world, they had one issue on their mind: money. In efforts to keep funding more equal across the United States educational systems, they revised the wording of the IDEA laws. As a result of this, regular education students benefited at the cost of those who are in need of protection, students with disabilities. According to the Education Journalist Christina Samuels, “The provision, called “maintenance of effort,” is meant to keep funding stable…school systems are locked into spending a certain amount regardless of any system wide changes they may make.” While this law seemed to be reasonable and productive for all, it has left the special education programs with less money than they had to begin with. Once they are locked in with a particular set of digits, there are no revisions. Where this becomes a problem is with the school systems that are located in poverty regions, for they don’t receive much funding initially. In conclusion, the change of funding is the starting point of the continuing decline of special education students’ protection by the law across the nation.

I feel that this paragraph is a good start, but not something that I plan to turn in. At this point in my drafting stage, I am all kinds of unorganized. I find myself starting to write about one topic then I introduce the next topic in that paragraph. By the time I get to the following paragraph, I repeat what is said in the prior paragraph. So long story short, this draft is a mess. I plan to finish my very, extremely, terrible rough draft tonight. Then on Tuesday, I will go through and move my thoughts around, re-word, and add subtitles to the paper. I hope that from this point, I can get a better understanding of how my actual writing and content after the conference. Overall, I will be working on this paper all week.


One thought on “Language of cause and effect paragraph

  1. I think this post really captures my learning process at best. It talks about all the different things that go through my mind during the drafting stages of my writing. I think it is safe to say that my learning experiences, away from writing, are very similar. How I study for test is to rewrite my notes in the form of a concept map with color. Much like my rough draft stage, I take really unorganized and scattered notes in class. Then as a part of my comprehension and future understanding I re-organize and develop connections between the material just like I do when editing my papers. Overall, I see a clear parallel between the stages of writing a paper and learning material for a test in another class.

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