Weekly Artifact: New Geography Perspective

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This week I realized that I had no idea where anything is relationally located in the world. My friend Phoebe is a very unique individual and has chosen to start her college career at an university in Germany. After completing her first year there, as as of this morning, she has now decided to travel, by herself, over to India and pursue her goals of missionary work. When I received the phone call early this morning, I was so excited for her. I knew this is something she has wanted to do to for a long time. With this being said, this afternoon, in geography class, my feelings had been altered. I am someone who hates maps and instructions so it was not surprise to me when I had no idea what anything was on the world map. But today, something caught my attention. As I was following the lecture and the corresponding map, I realized where Phoebe was actually heading. She was bordering on many other countries and areas that are rich in conflict today. Now when I walked into Geography today, I was not imaging that I would be drawing a connection between the lecture and where my dearest friend was headed, but I did. Not only is this single connection going to help me understand the information I need to know to make a good grade in geography, but it will allow me to have a better understanding as to where my friend will be residing for the next month.

One thought on “Weekly Artifact: New Geography Perspective

  1. I not only write this comment to say that my friend Phoebe is finally coming back to America at the end of May, but I wanted to share some of the things I learned and recognized from listening to her talk about her trip so far. She has told me how unique the three areas (America, Germany and India) really are. She was telling me the similarities and differences between food, culture, religion and living conditions. Once I got off the phone with her, I realized that our entire conversation was about the different connections she has made within the different places she has been.

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