Causal Argument Proposal Draft

Many researcher have tried to explain why young women living in poverty are more likely to have kids in their teens, and have concluded that growing up with few economic prospects can lead young women to choose teen parenting. The cycle of poverty is a controversial topic in today’s society and have many contributing factors. Focusing mainly on the connection of teen pregnancy and poverty is more controversial because these are two enlightened topics that causes many problems in our growing world. Studies reveal many different factors for this (include factors found in research). . . Impoverished teens, however, do not always feel motivated to work toward future planning because they have a poor sense of self-efficacy, and because of this, they may not see the importance of avoiding pregnancy.

Myths of Gender

It’s perfectly fine with wanting to be who you are, it’s even better when you accept it. Why shame someone for aspiring who they want to be? We should embrace every gender and sexuality, no matter how wrong it is in society’s eye.