Category: Daily Writes

Daily Write 9/26/16 Lyceum Protest

It is an absolute shame that people still act and talk like this about racial issues even in 2016. How can a person be so violent yet so nonchalant about such a cruel statement. It is especially embarrassing that it was an Ole Miss student who said such an awful thing towards another race. I am so happy that so many people stood up so quickly and would not be discriminated against. That so many students automatically stood up for what they believe in no matter the consequences. Some people’s views of race have not changed, but the people’s voices definitely have. I’m very happy people do not just let things slide so easily now and most people will not let something wrong continue to occur without standing up for their beliefs.

Daily Write 9/21/16 #theclass


Daily Write 9/14 “Common Writing Rules”

-Paragraphs are a certain amount of sentences

-12 point font

-double spaced

-depending on type of writing, listing everything in the intro for the next few paragraphs

-Indentions of the beginning of paragraphs

-Never use first person

-Never say “you”

-5 Paragraphs long

-No contractions

Daily Write 9/12 Intro revision

I think it definitely helped me to rewrite my introduction paragraph because it made me think of the prompt in a different way. It made me think of different ways to say some things and elaborate more on what I had already written. Because I already knew what I needed to write about and got my thoughts together, it gave me room to put more examples from the texts and video and expand on what I had already written.

Daily Write 8/31 -Quest

Shared about in class

Daily Write Mon 8/29

There are many similarities between Adichie’s talk and the stories in “Ten Little Indians”. Both discuss stereotypes that americans put on different ethnicities such as black people or asians. Everything we have read or watched so far have all been about racial stereotypes and how it effects these different people. I can personally connect in a different way. Stereotypes for white, blonde, females are that all blondes are stupid and only know how to drink Starbucks or that all of them are stuck up and snobby. No one should ever label another person by how they look. There are many successful blonde white women who beyond succeed in life. Women are capable of doing anything a man can do.

Daily Write 8/22

I am at the University of Mississippi because I want to be successful, continue my education, and eventually become a teacher. Ole Miss has always been my dream school and I always imagined myself going here and being in the band. I had my doubts about attend the University of Mississippi because I felt like I was not good enough or smart enough but I finally gathered up enough courage to apply. I was happily surprised to find out I was accepted and now I could achieve my goals.