Discussion Form: Money or Success?

As I was reading through the articles associated with the myth “Money and Success”, I found a common theme. Each of these texts, directly or indirectly, suggested that money brings people happiness. Even more eye opening, I say the pattern of those who do not have money and are in observation of those who do, tend to be depressed or wishing they had more. I think this is alarming, because this shows what America is turning into. The citizens are becoming greedy, selfish, not willing to find happiness in the joys that life has to offer. They become consumed with their jobs, in order to make more money, that they turn their attention away from their family and friends. The thought that constantly crossed my mind was “How can they call this happiness?”.

Moments thought through out the discussion:
-If money buys happiness, then that means a lot of working…would you trade your family time to work longer hours?
– It is not our place to judge people wether they are gay or not.
-Educators have their hands tied at times, so it is not always the teachers fault. (District tells them what they must teach)

One thought on “Discussion Form: Money or Success?

  1. I am amazed by the connections we can make even after several weeks have past. As I was rereading this post, I realized that this idea of money buying happiness is so evident in our society today. In my geography class, we spent our entire end of the semester talking about a “material economy”. We discussed how our culture of consumerism is affecting the environment, cultures and even individuals/societies. I think, just like I noted here, that people are trading family time for longer work hours in order to get better pay checks so that they can buy more stuff. The connection continues by my learning how this social pattern that we discussed in writing class simultaneously affects the environmental impacts of my geography class. Overall, there was a huge connection between classes and context over a long period of time.

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