As soon as we were given this particular assignment, I knew exactly what I was going to write about for this week. I was doing my daily stocking on Facebook last night and came across an article on “10 ways you change while at college your freshman year”. Of course my curious mind overtook my body and I clicked on the link. I was so humored by the things the author suggested. In fact, I could instantly give you an example to correspond with each of the 10 points that were made. For instance, one of the points was about how you learn to be spontaneous, because you have the absence of your mother telling you its probably not a good idea. The irony of that is that just yesterday, I had the smart idea to loft my dorm bed, just because I was tired of how my room was arranged. With the help of my $2 rubber mallet purchase at Walmart, I was able to complete take a part my bed with only one bruised knee. I looked at my bed, which was in three pieces, and realized that I could not lift the bed, on my own, above my head. At this moment, I realized I had made a huge mistake. So what did I do, sit on the floor with my bed in pieces and just sob on the phone with my mom. While she found it humorous, I was concerned that I wouldn’t have a place to sleep and was convinced that I needed to come home. After I had the stable reasoning and advice from my mom on FaceTime, I was able to loft my bed. Still to this moment I don’t understand why I made such a spontaneous decision. Why I thought I could take apart and reassemble a bed is beyond me, but nonetheless I did it.

The reason I thought to include this example was because with something as simple as a Facebook post and a stupid idea/action, I was able to draw a connection. Even further, I was drawing these connections without even realizing it. I think that this was an important learning moment for me, because I always feel that a weakness in my writing is drawing connections between two articles. I have a new perspective in the sense that I have learned how to be more aware of the times I draw connections.

One thought on “Weekly Artifact: NEVER LOFT YOUR BED ALONE

  1. Rereading this post not only made me laugh at the terrible decisions I made, but it also made me reflect on how much I’ve grown as a student. I repeatedly make terrible decisions to procrastinate studying, completing a paper or even considering not going to class. Looking back at myself currently, I have learned so much from those mistakes and have had a much easier end to the semester. The connection between the life experiences of the past and present was really evident to me when looking at this post.

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