Weekly Write

In a book I’m reading, the author provokes the reader’s interest by starting the paragraph out with “A shot rang out. A broad gate banged open. A pounding of horses’ hooves echoed around the track like a massive clap of thunder.” Reading is one of my favorite past times to do. Every time I get ready to buy a book, I look at the back, and I read the first sentence. Most of the time, looking at the back will cause me to buy the book. But, if the first sentence grabs my attention, I am running to the cash register. This is what happened with this book. I started on the series a couple of years ago, but I stopped reading it to read something else. When I came back to the series, I could not believe I had stopped. I reread the first book in about two days. Then, I went and bought the second one and loved it as well. I am now on the third book, and when I opened it and read the first sentence, I was hooked. I wanted to keep reading, but I knew I had more important things to do. First sentence attention grabbers really help readers want to keep reading the books.

One thought on “Weekly Write

  1. I still love to read books. People never understand me when I say I love to read. They look at me like I am stupid or have no life. What they fail to understand is that books are a way of escape for me. They are a way for me to escape the academic world and relax. It is a great past time, and I always forget about my stressful life when I get done.

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