Weekly Write

One design decision I made was changing my title. The theme this semester is about our first year. I wanted to change my title to something that showed my personality. At first I just put “Megan’s Commonplace Book: My First Year”, but as I was playing around with the theme, I started thinking of more titles. I thought about “Megan’s Commonplace Blog: Ending My First Year with a Bang” because I have given this first year of my college career all I have. I feel like this statement better represents who I am.

Weekly Write

The one website I have used the most this semester would have to be Mastering Chemistry. I have used this website to do my chemistry and calculus homework. The program was kind of tricky at first, and you have to be very specific in what you type in, or it will mark the answer wrong. The way that I can use it for this class is by not making the website so difficult to understand. Also, Mastering Chemistry is very colorful when you open it, but after that it is really bland. It is just click on which course you are enrolled in and that is it. For my website, I want to add more color. I do not want my viewer to be bored with my subject, I want them to be intrigued.

Website Ideas

Go to your favorite website (what you surf when you should be listening to your writing teacher).  Study it in terms of design.  Then, write a post of 250-300 words about the way that site operates.  Think through the design of the site.  What holds your interest?  How do you interact with it?  What colors, images, font choices, modes, etc. keep you coming back?  What makes it effective?

The website that I love the most is Netflix. Even though there are not a lot of words there, the shows are what makes it interesting. You get to watch all your favorite shows and movies that you have not seen in a while which is amazing. I literally feel like a kid again when I am able to watch H2O: Just Add Water which is about mermaids. I feel like there is not a care in the world, and I also feel at peace because I am not worrying about homework.

I interact with this website by constantly clicking through each section and seeing what has been released. Not only do I check for new releases, but also check to see if new episodes of my favorite shows have been released. That is the beauty of Netflix, you are constantly interacting with it, because you are constantly strolling through the website to see what new things have been added.

Weekly Write

As I was studying for my anthropology test, I realized that we were studying some of the topics in my research paper. One of the things we are talking about is racism and the different forms of racism which caused me to think about my paper. My paper does not really talk about the different kinds of racism, but it does try to establish were it came from. Another thing that we are studying in my anthropology class is stereotypes. We are talking about how stereotypes relate to individual racism. One of the major topics in my paper is how stereotypes influence racism. Even though these are two completely different classes, the links between them bring them together.

Weekly Write

As I was working on my research paper, I came across an article about a young man who had been racially profiled. After being racially profiled at two different schools, his mother moved him to a historically black college. In class, we were shown an sample paper on students who go to a historically black college. Did going to a historically black college actually help him? Even though he is doing better, going to a historically black college is not always better. I know a young lady who is about to go to a historically black college, and when she went to preview it, she said that the girl treated her bad. She said the girls who were suppose to be her roommates turned on her and no longer wanted to be her roommates. Going to an all black college is not always the answer.

Weekly Write

In a book I’m reading, the author provokes the reader’s interest by starting the paragraph out with “A shot rang out. A broad gate banged open. A pounding of horses’ hooves echoed around the track like a massive clap of thunder.” Reading is one of my favorite past times to do. Every time I get ready to buy a book, I look at the back, and I read the first sentence. Most of the time, looking at the back will cause me to buy the book. But, if the first sentence grabs my attention, I am running to the cash register. This is what happened with this book. I started on the series a couple of years ago, but I stopped reading it to read something else. When I came back to the series, I could not believe I had stopped. I reread the first book in about two days. Then, I went and bought the second one and loved it as well. I am now on the third book, and when I opened it and read the first sentence, I was hooked. I wanted to keep reading, but I knew I had more important things to do. First sentence attention grabbers really help readers want to keep reading the books.


Just a Family- This caught my attention because it talks about how interracial couples in America are still struggling to be seen as a norm for family life. I connect with this because I have a cousin who just recently married a white man and they both already had kids. Her husband’s father did not support the marriage and refused to attend the wedding. This really upset me because, if America is suppose to be so past racism, why are people still struggling with interracial marriage? The high school I went to was very against it. I was always seen as the girl who did not see race. They would ask me all the time about race, and I would always say that I loved all races. They probably did not believe me, but I did not care. My high school was incredibly racist at times, and they absolutely hated interracial dating. I had a coach that told her basketball girls to stay away from the black boys. I do not ever see myself as being one of those people who hates to see interracial couples. I think it is a beautiful thing and a step forward in our world becoming more equal when it comes to race.

Cause of Prejudice-  This one caught my attention because it talks about why people are prejudice. I connect with this one because this has always been a question of mine. Why are people prejudice? Do they realize they are prejudice? Most of the time people who are prejudice were raised to see this one particular thing as the right way.

New Medium

When we first started working on this project, I thought it was going to be fun. Once I started to use powtoons, I thought, “Oh my goodness! I have no idea what I am doing!!!” I honestly wanted to kill powtoons and throw my computer against the wall. Not only did I not know how to work the visuals, but I hated the way I sounded on my voiceover. I went to my professor, Mrs. Forgette, and she told me that my voiceover was better than the paper I had written, and that it was artful. I felt like I could actually do this project now. She also showed me how to work the visuals which help the process a whole lot. My peer reviews also helped me. They all told me that my visuals were good which also made me feel good, because at one time I felt like my visuals were cheesy and childish. I am thankful for the feedback that I have received and hope that I follow all of it.