Research Paper

To first understand why cops racially profile, you must first understand the causes of racism and prejudice. Vincent Parrillo, author of “Causes of Prejudice,” published in 2013 says that the causes of prejudice should be looked at through psychology and sociology. Through the psychological eye, the focal point on is the individual. Through psychology, a person can develop prejudice from imitation or condition, similarity – dissimilarity of beliefs, or personality characteristics (Parrillo p. 504). More can be understood about the psychological causes of prejudice through four areas: levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and frustration. I did not really use a strategy except for trying to put more of my voice in this paragraph. However, I am still struggling with putting my words in the paragraph and still making it sound intelligent. My plan is to keep working on it and hope and pray to God that it will sound good by the time I do my peer review.

Weekly Write

As I was working on my research paper, I came across an article about a young man who had been racially profiled. After being racially profiled at two different schools, his mother moved him to a historically black college. In class, we were shown an sample paper on students who go to a historically black college. Did going to a historically black college actually help him? Even though he is doing better, going to a historically black college is not always better. I know a young lady who is about to go to a historically black college, and when she went to preview it, she said that the girl treated her bad. She said the girls who were suppose to be her roommates turned on her and no longer wanted to be her roommates. Going to an all black college is not always the answer.

Connect 10

In my philosophy class, we are talking about if a person is still the same person if they have a brain transplant. I have an uncle who just had a stroke, and his brain is damaged, but his body is still functioning pretty well. I started to think about what would happen if he were to have a brain transplant. At first, I was all for it. I was like he’ll get to live! Then, I started to wonder would it still be him since he would have a different brain. I personally do not know whether he would be the same person. I know it would be him physically, but I’m not sure about mentally. This discussion in our philosophy class really got me to think about who my uncle would be if he received a brain transplant.

Weekly Write

In a book I’m reading, the author provokes the reader’s interest by starting the paragraph out with “A shot rang out. A broad gate banged open. A pounding of horses’ hooves echoed around the track like a massive clap of thunder.” Reading is one of my favorite past times to do. Every time I get ready to buy a book, I look at the back, and I read the first sentence. Most of the time, looking at the back will cause me to buy the book. But, if the first sentence grabs my attention, I am running to the cash register. This is what happened with this book. I started on the series a couple of years ago, but I stopped reading it to read something else. When I came back to the series, I could not believe I had stopped. I reread the first book in about two days. Then, I went and bought the second one and loved it as well. I am now on the third book, and when I opened it and read the first sentence, I was hooked. I wanted to keep reading, but I knew I had more important things to do. First sentence attention grabbers really help readers want to keep reading the books.

Unit Reflection

The research I have done on prejudice and racism has changed me in a way that I now see different ways on why people can be prejudiced or racist. I had always thought that maybe they had something to do with parental influence or stereotypes. However, I never thought of seeing them through psychology or sociology. I now see that there are many factors which can cause racism and prejudice. Racism and prejudice will always be defined by something that is already known; however, there will always be a new way of finding out why people are prejudiced and racists.

The things that surprised me the most were how the articles never seemed to be biased. I know there are a lot prejudiced writers and researchers out there who could have been biased when it came to racism and prejudice. However, I never actually saw any. I also was not looking for articles which could have been biased, so there could have been some, but I never saw them. Another thing that kind of surprised me was an article on how people of today are still prejudiced. I know there will always be prejudice in this world, but our generation is supposed to be the generation that does not see color. So, when I saw that article, it really piqued my interest. It made me look at the world and see that we still have an issue with race. In my annotated bibliography, I used the example of the President, Barack Obama. When he was elected, I thought our world had finally shifted from the idea that only a “white male” could be president. Boy was I wrong!! All it did was uncover the prejudice we as a nation still have. Prejudice is still very prevalent in the United States, and probably will be until we all die. The other thing that surprised me was the amount of articles on racial profiling. Racial profiling is a big thing going on in the United States currently, and most of the articles focused on why racial profiling happens. None of the articles I read focused on the effects, because we can obviously see outcomes. The article on racial profiling interested me the most which is why it will be the focal point of my research paper.

From all the research I have done, I have learned to not only look at things one way. I have learned that there are different reasons as to why things happen. I also learned to look at the United States a different way. I use to look at us as moving forward, and we still are to an extent. But, we are taking the tiniest baby steps when it comes to prejudice and racism. We need to look past color and start to see just people, not the color of their skin. I also learned that parental influence may not be a reason for prejudice and racism, but I am still researching that cause. This research has taught me a lot not only on racism and prejudice, but on how to look at things.


During my research for this research paper, I have been dealing with a lot of things that can cause racism and/or prejudice. One of the ways I have been mentioning is stereotype. In my anthropology class, we are talking about how stereotypes affect different groups of people. My article was saying that some stereotypes exist because there is some truth to it, but the adjective just do not apply. It made me realize that we have stereotypes because someone or a group of people have done something in the past, and now it is just expected of that same group of people to do the same thing.

Connect 10: Do I have hidden prejudices?

My topic is prejudice, and one of the causes of prejudice is stereotyping. Even though I am anti-prejudice, I have stereotyped people before. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a muslim girl wearing the hijab. I honestly became afraid because Muslims are stereotyped as being bombers, killers, etc. I am normally ok when I see them, but I guess I was more afraid because this time I could only see her eyes. I became so nervous that I moved to the other side of the sidewalk. I felt really bad for doing that, because I thought that maybe I am prejudice against Muslims. I would like to think I am not, but there may be a little bit in me. All in all, I think I am just skeptical because their track records have not been too good. I know not all Muslims are killers, but that is all that is portrayed in the media which has caused me to be somewhat afraid of them. I am still against prejudice, but I do think there is a difference between being prejudice and skeptical.


Just a Family- This caught my attention because it talks about how interracial couples in America are still struggling to be seen as a norm for family life. I connect with this because I have a cousin who just recently married a white man and they both already had kids. Her husband’s father did not support the marriage and refused to attend the wedding. This really upset me because, if America is suppose to be so past racism, why are people still struggling with interracial marriage? The high school I went to was very against it. I was always seen as the girl who did not see race. They would ask me all the time about race, and I would always say that I loved all races. They probably did not believe me, but I did not care. My high school was incredibly racist at times, and they absolutely hated interracial dating. I had a coach that told her basketball girls to stay away from the black boys. I do not ever see myself as being one of those people who hates to see interracial couples. I think it is a beautiful thing and a step forward in our world becoming more equal when it comes to race.

Cause of Prejudice-  This one caught my attention because it talks about why people are prejudice. I connect with this one because this has always been a question of mine. Why are people prejudice? Do they realize they are prejudice? Most of the time people who are prejudice were raised to see this one particular thing as the right way.